Looking at the video screen...
He saw himself as a young man.
When the world was a different place... Before he understood...
He was an artist. He was an inventor.
He was a person who wanted to change the world.
He saw the thoughts from his mind, before him on the screen.
He saw a man called Nolan Void.
The painter, the sculptor, the philosopher...
He saw a man who believes in a new paradigm.
He saw a man envisioning a changed human race.
And then he saw the drugs... All around him...
He saw a world of chemical compounds.
Are they the cause of this unlikely intuition, or are they just showing it to him?
Do these concepts in his head really exist, or is it all just an illusion?
Nolan doesn't know - but maybe oneday he'll learn...
In time, maybe he'll learn to control this thing.
Oh, yes he will...
Nolan Void will teach us all to control our reality...
But not at this part of the program...
This part was all about the drugs...
- And the technology...
This part was the part where Nolan Void discovered the Eyeonasphere...