Through books, through the Internet, and through radio, TV, and film – the media reflects the overall ‘self-consciousness’ of our race. Even though most people may not recognize it now - we read about ourselves, listen to ourselves, and watch ourselves through the media as a means of subconsciously ‘programming’ the course of our own evolution. One day, things will be better than they are now or than they have been for forever. The Eyeonasphere will bring about a metamorphosis of human-consciousness!
Through books, through the Internet, and through radio, TV, and film – the media reflects the overall ‘self-consciousness’ of our race. Even though most people may not recognize it now - we read about ourselves, listen to ourselves, and watch ourselves through the media as a means of subconsciously ‘programming’ the course of our own evolution. One day, things will be better than they are now or than they have been for forever. The Eyeonasphere will bring about a metamorphosis of human-consciousness!
The Eyeonasphere is revealing new insights never even considered by our forefathers. Maybe one day it will show us our futures - thus enabling our children to anticipate and prepare for the disasters and diseases that have troubled and killed men since the dawn of human existence. We’ll gain control beyond our wildest dreams. The Eyeonasphere is going to change the world…
The technical components that make up a fully functional Eyeonasphere unit (projectors, mediawave translators, data transmodifiers, etc.) are powered mostly by electricity - but it’s the actual translation of ‘mediawaves’ that brings forth the audio/visual signals to the viewer. This is a remarkable fact, because for the first time in history we have a device that is truly ‘powered’ by human thought. –The Eyeonasphere broadcasts are the product of hundreds of man-hours spent editing, taping, typing, and recording. Scores of men and women toiled and labored on their various projects, completely unaware of the fact that the technology would one day be available that gives us instant access to their creations (in part, or as a whole) on command. The regrouping of these images is mysterious, and very powerful – and the Eyeonasphere is what makes that regrouping possible. The ability of the mind to instantaneously (practically instinctually) manipulate, rearrange, and resort the information derived from these ‘mediawaves’ is incredible, and it may soon reveal to us brand new concepts never even considered before!