are human beings the only beings who can imagine their future?
we don't know - we can only relate from a 'human being' basis...
we can't see what animals think? we can only 'imagine'. we don't know...
i don't think animals are capable of picturing 'results' quite like we can...
this capability seems to be an exclusively human trait.
animals can remember, and learn from their memories - but i'm pretty sure they cannot 'visualize their future', or 'predict'...
that would require intelligence of which human beings are the only one's to have proven that they possess...
from this capability comes language...
from this capability comes innovation...
from this capability comes progress...
- all of which the animal kingdom only has on a 'natural' level - free of conscious decisions...
animals can't write - so they can't learn from generations past...
or develop technologies to enhance their future...
we invent new tools - we don't just use the ones nature presents us with...
no animal can even understand the digital realm - and it's from human innovation that this realm of 1's and 0's was CREATED.
our quality of life is better than those of our 4-legged friends...
we 'understand'...
even better than our ancestors - we understand our world...
and this 'understanding' is only getting more precise...
with new technologies and innovations mankind is coming closer than ever before to influencing our 'environment' for the better.
through media - we document our personal thoughts and opinions, which we can share with the world like never before...
we use technology to do this.
language is actually a very primitive technology...
we use our language to 're-create' our worldly experiences for others to see...
we broadcast our re-creations using the media.
and by observing these re-creations, our worlds (inner AND outer) are drastically altered...
our mind develops our experiences... we can't fully grasp the concept (YET) - but i truly believe that our consciousness, and the thoughts that go through our minds DEFINITELY influences our reality... BUT HOW?
that's what i'm trying to figure out...
maybe technology is nature's way of providing mankind with a type of 'control' mechanism - over reality...
video, films, music, literature, and all of the other forms of 'media' gives humanity a representation of itself...
we convey our emotions through the media - but maybe what we don't realize is our power to CREATE these emotions as a means of MANIPULATING OUR REALITY.
we love the media because it is a reflection of ourselves - and mankind is very narcissistic...
media removes barriers that have blocked mankind since the beginning of time.
space, culture, and time no longer mean quite so much - and through the media, these barriers continue to shrink...
maybe one day, these barriers will simply cease to exist...
as communications technology evolves, so do we...
things are getting better - because through media, we can be taught to UNDERSTAND.