-Falling from the sky.
All different types of seeds...
Raining from the top of the helmet down...
The ground is damp and glistening with dew.
The colors are vivid.
The morning dew accumulates into small water droplets on individual blades of grass.
As the seeds fall to the ground - thousands of them - they independently burrow into the soil,
take root, and sprout into beautifully colored flowers...
-Millions of flowers - all shapes, sizes, and colors fill the screen...
Then, the shot fades to a clip of a field full of workers...
Thousands of big, strong, muscular men in overalls and work clothes.
Farmers - raking, hoeing, and tending rows and rows of freshly planted crops.
Beyond the horizon and into eternity...
And as the shot sweeps along the healthy fields of crops and workmen, the speakers murmur
"What will you sew?"
"Reap what you want."
"Anything you want."
"Everything you want."
"Be patient."
Seeds fill the screen - blocking the entire background...
Then, the seeds disperse - squirming and vibrating away to expose the fields as the rows of
vegetation turn into budding flowers...
And the flowers quickly grow upward - overshadowing the fields and fields of working farmers
until they're all gone...
- Replaced by brightly colored flowers...
"It's all in your head."
"You control the outcome of ALL situations."
"You tend the fields..."
The plants bob and weave around the screen - each one seeming to have a life of it's own.
Slowly, the shot dips down into the guts of the field - which when viewed from above, seems to
writhe and wave around - like a giant ocean...
"We are given our thoughts - our thoughts determine our destiny."
Then, the face of the helmet was surrounded by ground.
The flower's stems look like trees - the pebbles look like boulders.
Then, there's a montage of extreme close-ups of insects...
Giant, little bugs scurrying around in what looks like a miniature jungle...
-So close that you can see the hairs on their bodies...
It's so focused that you can see the light reflecting from their eyes.
Random little, GIGANTIC bugs...
Ants and grasshoppers...
Life as usual on the freaky-field floor...
"There are no obstacles - only steps to be taken."
Then, the scene of giant bugs morphs into an eternal stairway - reaching way up into the sky...
The shot's at the base of the stairs - looking upward...
The stairway reaches up into the blue, and above that, white clouds make them seem invisible.
"There is no pain - only the feelings of GROWTH."