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Culture is the sum total of the attainments and learned behavior patterns of any specific period, race, or people regarded as expressing a traditional way of life subject to gradual but continuous modification by succeeding generations.
Now, consider the conditions in which we live.
Cultures reflect their environment - and sometimes it goes the other way around...
The environment in which we live could be a reflection of the values that we hold as truths. We people can't tell the difference...
Life goes on as it always has - but where do we get the 'meaning'?
Technological progress - just like cultural progress, reflects the state of mankinds consciousness.
Consciousness here meaning 'awareness of our existence, feelings, and thoughts, or external objects and conditions'.
Now, as we watch our reality develop we can see cultures and technologies evolving together.
Reality is morphing.
It changes...
Things are not the same as they were before.
"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
We're not...
But we went from black and white to color many, many years ago...
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