Nolan Void looked himself in the eye.
Standing before the mirror, he saw his face, worn beyond it's years.
He rinsed his face off.
He thought back to the conversation with the old man at the bus stop... He thought about the books he'd been reading.
Nolan had recently discovered the world of gurus and self-helpers sometimes refered to as the 'new-age' movement. His fascination with the power of positive thinking / law of attraction was fitting right in with his studies of the mind and mind-broadcasting technologies...
If he could figure out a way to broadcast a visual signal representative of the thoughts that went on in his mind (which he had), then maybe he could somehow use these technologies to help further the evolution of our race... His ideas are grand, but if the 'law of attraction' is real, then nothing is too big. People are manifesting their reality - and they don't even know it.
Maybe the Eyeonasphere is the way...
He thought of the inventions potential.
He'd been doing experiments with it, but they weren't generating much more than Youtube art videos. Though his mind was controlling the signal, he was dealing with a type of feedback... It seemed impossible to truly steer the device.
Looking in the mirror, he recognized the comparison. Looking at his thoughts in the globe was like looking at his reflection in the mirror.
Can you 'style' consciousness like you 'style' you hair?
Maybe these books are the comb...
He'll start with himself...
Nolan wanted to reprogram reality.
He shared his discoveries with his friends. He discussed his ideas online in chat forums with people doing similar research.
But most people didn't really believe his technology was actually doing what he said it was.
Some people thought his claims were empty and contrived...
Most people think the world is empty.
- But Nolan Void was filled with desire...
Desire to prove his theories. Desire to change the world...
He celebrated life every time he got a chance...
Nolan was drunk with anticipation of what the future has in store.
He saw himself changed from a hateful and apprehensive teenager out to disprove all thought of hope into an excited and positive young man with ideas and notions of making the world a better place, using the power of positive think. And it was working for him... His invention was coming together. He had a good job, a place to stay, good friends, and a very bright future.
Yes, he still feeds a heavy drug habit of amphetamines, alcohol, and weed - but he seemed to be alright.
- Somehow, it all seemed to be fueling this mental revolution...
He truly believed in the mind's place in controlling all of reality. Maybe the drugs served as a mechanism enabling him to 'let go' of what society considers real. One way or another, things were good in Nolan's world.
He was on a mission to develop a technology capable of giving all people health, protection, and success. He wanted to create a market to drive away evil's influence on society. Young Nolan Void was very, very confident.
The Eyeonasphere was going to change the world.
And so far, he seemed to be on the right track, too...
He was healthy, and whenever he bets he wins... Everything just seems to work out for Nolan Void.